Friday, July 31, 2009

Climate & Pollution

Analysis: Green States See Fewer Rewards in Climate Bill (Reuters) The U.S. climate bill would give states that are heavily reliant on greenhouse-gas emitting fuels, like coal, more carbon credits on a per capita basis than those that use clean fuels, an analysis from the Georgetown Climate Center and World Resources Institute says. McKinsey: $520B Invested in Efficiency Could Save $1.2T (New York Times) A new McKinsey report on energy efficiency finds the United States could save $1.2 trillion through 2020, by investing $520 billion in improvements like sealing leaky building ducts and replacing inefficient household appliances with new, energy-saving models. Senate Passes Energy Spending Bill, Supports Closing Yucca Mtn (AP) The Senate passed a $34.3 billion energy spending bill that backs up President Obama's promise to close the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste facility in Nevada. Beijing Closing Thousands of Coal Plants in Environmental Move (AP) China has taken advantage of a drop in electricity demand to speed up a campaign to close small coal-fired power plants and improve its battered environment, an official said today. Authorities have closed power plants with a total of 7,467 generating units. Sub-Arctic Timebomb: Warming Speeds CO2 Release from Soil (AFP) Climate change is speeding up the release of carbon dioxide from frigid peatlands in the sub-Arctic, fueling a vicious circle of global warming, according to a study released today. A 1 degree Celsius increase would more than double the CO2 escaping. UK Considers Tying University Funding to Emissions Reductions (BBC) Under new proposals, the funding universities in England receive could be linked to their reductions in carbon emissions from 2011.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) released today its white paper, Fertilizers, Climate Change and Enhancing Productivity Sustainably.
Paris (
PRWeb UK/PRWEB ) July 28, 2009 -- The International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) released today its white paper, Fertilizers, Climate Change and Enhancing Productivity Sustainably. The paper's objective is to provide a review of the fertilizer industry and its global impact, both positive and negative, on climate change. The industry advocates a life-cycle approach, encompassing fertilizer production, transport and use.

The fertilizer life-cycle accounts for 2 to 3% of total global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Yet, nitrogen fertilizers are estimated to contribute to feeding as much as half of the world's population. As agricultural production rises to meet food, feed, fibre and bioenergy demand worldwide, fertilizer use will also increase. Climate change creates an imperative for the fertilizer industry to contribute to mitigation and adaptation in order to achieve a more sustainable path to global food security. Increasing agricultural productivity, through efficient fertilizer use, is critical to prevent further deforestation, protect biodiversity, and thus reduce the emissions level per unit of agricultural output.
The fertilizer industry recognizes that it contributes directly and indirectly to GHG emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) and it has set as a priority to reduce them. The technology and knowledge is available to achieve significant reductions. Some of the current solutions include:

Improving the management of operations using Best Production Techniques, in order to reduce energy consumption and direct GHG emissions in natural gas-based ammonia production, which carries the largest share of the industry's emissions. IFA estimates that the potential energy savings could reach 15% globally.
Utilizing state-of-the art technology, such as secondary N2O abatement catalysts in nitric acid production. Energy savings could reach more than 25% (and possibly 40% if Best Available Techniques become the norm). The improved performance in all manufacturing processes has an emissions reduction potential of up to about 120 Tg CO2-equivalent per year. Future Carbon Capture and Storage technology may add some 100 Tg CO2-equivalent in coal-based ammonia production facilities (principally in China).
The fertilizer industry has an economic rationale and direct control over the performance of its production facilities. However, the production of fertilizers accounts for less than 1% of total GHG emissions and fertilizer use for 1.5%. The industry is helping farmers to reduce emissions by sharing knowledge, products and technologies to improve the efficiency of fertilizer use in the field. IFA has developed a global framework for Fertilizer Best Management Practices, in partnership with policymakers, scientists, extension agents and farmers, to ensure that an ever-growing number of farmers uses the 4R approach: Right Product @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place. Good agricultural practices are essential in order to minimize unwanted impacts of intensified agriculture. In addition, judicious fertilizer use helps increase cultivated soil carbon reserves by increasing the photosynthetic conversion of CO2 to biomass that is subsequently converted to soil organic matter. The paper notes the potential gain of soil carbon sequestration on degraded soils, such as in much of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Fertilizer production and agriculture are both truly global businesses. Policy decisions related to climate change need to take into account local conditions and the possibility of trade substitution (which could lead to "carbon leakage"). Otherwise, competitiveness could be distorted and emissions reduction targets could be undermined. Appropriate and timely policy decisions are critical to ensure desired emissions reductions. They should recognize early adopters and providers of improved technologies in order to encourage appropriate investments in the near term. Financing mechanisms need to address barriers to technology adoption. They also need to take into account the specific needs of agriculture.
Efforts by the fertilizer industry to take responsibility for its greenhouse gas emissions can only be fully effective if policymakers and other stakeholders, such as farmers, also play their part. The critical goals of protecting food security, reducing poverty and fighting climate change must coexist. The fertilizer industry, along with other members of civil society, calls on governments to include agriculture in the post-Kyoto negotiations that will take place in December in Copenhagen.
The International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) is a not-for-profit trade association representing the global fertilizer industry. IFA member companies represent all activities related to the production and distribution of every type of fertilizer, their raw materials and intermediates. IFA's membership also includes organizations involved in agronomic research and training. IFA has some 525 members in about 85 countries. The global fertilizer industry produces some 170 million tons of fertilizer nutrients annually. These are used in every corner of the globe to support sustainable agricultural production and food security.
Fertilizers, Climate Change and Enhancing Productivity Sustainably is a white paper published by the International Fertilizer Industry Association. It was prepared collectively by the members of the IFA Task Force on Climate Change. A summary of the white paper is also available as an IFA issue brief entitled Fertilizers and Climate Change, Enhancing Productivity and Reducing Emissions.


WASHINGTON, July 28, 2009 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the participants in the 2009 class of the USDA Public Service Leaders Scholarship Program.
"It is important that USDA has a pipeline of skilled and diverse employees and the Public Service Leaders Scholarship Program is both a strategic initiative to attract the next generation of qualified public servants and an investment in the future of American agriculture," said Vilsack.
The USDA Public Service Leaders Program provides a combined scholarship and internship opportunity designed to promote public service and create access to higher education for college students. The scholarship provides full tuition, books, the use of a laptop computer, student employment with USDA, mentoring, and leadership training. Upon graduation, scholars work as permanent employees at USDA for one year for each year of financial assistance they receive.
The program is sponsored by four USDA agencies: the Foreign Agricultural Service, the Farm Service Agency, the National Agricultural Statistics Service, and the Economic Research Service. The Public Service Leaders Scholars Program helps ensure the availability of a well-trained and diverse workforce at USDA.
The 2009 USDA Public Service Leaders Scholars, and the agencies sponsoring them, are:
* William Dovale, master's degree candidate in international relations, Florida International University, Miami, Fla., sponsored by the Foreign Agricultural Service.
* Yesshenia Perez, bachelor's degree candidate in agricultural business, Miami Dade College, Miami, Fla., sponsored by the Farm Service Agency.
* Tomas Resendiz, bachelor's degree candidate in agriculture and economics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, sponsored by the National Agricultural Statistics Service.
* Devin Roberson, doctoral degree candidate in agricultural economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind., sponsored by the Economic Research Service.
For additional information on the USDA Public Service Leaders Scholarship Program and the Hispanic-Serving Institutions National Program, visit
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Combating highland soil erosion

Newly Adopted Technology In Combodia:

In Combodia:Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries pushes new method to improve soil quality in erosion-afflicted areas, though high costs could prevent large-scale adoption of the practice.
In details,
THE Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries recommended last week that farmers in highland areas cultivate their crops using a new method that agricultural experts said would cut down on soil erosion and, consequently, increase crop yields. High costs, though, could prevent the technique from being adopted on a large scale in the near future.The technique, called Direct Sowing in Mulch-based Cropping Systems (DMC), was presented by ministry officials and agriculture experts to farmers in Kampong Cham province on Wednesday. Farmers in highland areas often struggle to afford the chemical fertilisers needed when, after years of cultivation, rainfall gradually washes the nutrient-rich topsoil of their highland farms down to lowland areas. With the use of DMC technology, however, "farmers in highland areas can stop worrying" about soil erosion, Stephane Boulakia, a technical assistant for Project d'Appui au Developpement de l'Agriculture du Cambodge (PADAC), told a group of more than 40 cassava, soybean, corn and rice farmers in Kampong Cham's Chamkar Leu district.Under the DMC method, farmers plant sweet grass with a sowing plantation machine that injects seeds into the ground. After three months or so, when the grass reaches a metre in height, farmers roll it and spray it with a chemical called glyphosate, which kills the grass and begins the composting process but does not affect crops, explained Sam Sona, PADAC's chief of service for component extension in Kampong Cham. "When the grasses die, they become compost and provide nitrogen and biomass to the soil," thereby eliminating the need to plow it at the end of the harvest, he said, adding that PADAC had imported 10 sowing plantation machines from Brazil to help farmers cultivate crops using the DMC method.
This is new technology for us, so we didn't want to take a chance and throw our traditional methods away.
Kou Phally, deputy head of planting and crop protection at the ministry, told the Post Wednesday that DMC technology would improve soil quality in highland areas that face erosion during the rainy season, and could help the soil stay healthy during the dry season."The sweet grasses cover the soil to keep in moisture, and also prevent erosion when rain falls," he said, adding that the compost from the sweet grasses nourishes the soil and speeds up growth. Adopting the techniqueEang Sokhoun, 25, a villager in Lvea village, Lvea Leu commune, said Wednesday that her family had been cautious in adopting the new method. Though they have about 7 hectares of farmland, they've farmed only 1 hectare of soybeans thus far using DMC. "This is new technology for us, so we didn't want to take a chance and throw our traditional methods away," she said. PADAC staff predicted an increase in yield from 1.5 to 2.5 tonnes of soybeans per hectare on her farm, though Eang Sokhoun said she was sceptical of that estimate. She added: "With the new technology, our expenses were more than $200 for the chemical spray, fertiliser, seeds, labour, and the use of machinery. "With the traditional method, we paid only for seeds and labour, and spent just $120." Currently, farmers who choose the DMC method must pay PADAC for labour, seeds, fertiliser and the use of its machinery. A farmer looking to buy a small sowing plantation machine would need to pay around $2,500. Large machines cost around $10,000.

Policy reforms cantake Bangladesh cff LDC list

  • CPD News:Had Bangladesh reformed its policies and strengthened institutional capacity, it would have come out of the LDC status much earlier than a UN agency prediction, an economist said at the launch of a UN report in Dhaka yesterday.
    “It is possible for Bangladesh to come out of the LDC status by 2015, although Unctad predicts the upgradation by 2024,” said Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, distinguished fellow of the Centre for Dialogue (CPD), a private think tank.
    “Two tasks have to be done and ensured -- policy reforms and strengthening of institutional capacity,” he said.
    The Unctad LDCs Report 2009: The State and Development Governance was unveiled by Fahmida Khatun, the CPD's additional director (research).
    The LDCs (least developed countries) category was established in 1971, and since then, only two countries -- Botswana in 1994 and Cape Verde in 2007 -- have graduated to developing nations. Samoa is expected to get out of the LDC list in December 2010 and the Maldives in January 2011.
    Now the number of LDCs is 49.
    Referring to the report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which suggests good development governance, Bhattacharya said, “If development could not be brought in the centre of good governance, neither development nor good governance is possible.”
    The economist was upbeat on Bangladesh's graduation to a developing country, linking it to the effectiveness of both the state role and market system.
    He pointed out that Bangladesh's economy and human assets will be a good support in coming out from the world's poor-country club. Bhattacharya, however, said, “The global climate change will be a concern for the country, as this change will enhance economic vulnerability or risks,” he said.
    Pointing to a change in the traditional thinking for development on the back of the recent global financial downturn, he said, “Each country will have to think now for development in its own way.”
    He also stressed a private-public coalition to ensure investment in every sector for development.
    According to the Unctad report, six LDCs, including Bangladesh, did not prioritise governance in their Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, or PRSP.
    While presenting the report, the CPD's additional research director pointed to its observation that inflation rate was not a major problem in recent days. Fahmida said the high real rate of interest is a concern for investment.
    “Such a rate jeopardises long-term growth by raising the cost of making public and private investment,” she said.
    The Unctad report lauded Bangladesh's ability to manage the food crisis during late 2007 and early 2008 through the public food distribution system.
    However, the report pointed to Bangladesh's food security's vulnerability to climate change.
    The UN report also pointed out that despite LDCs' recent strong performance, high growth rates were unlikely to be sustained in these countries given their excessive dependence on commodity and low-tech manufactures exports, and their vulnerability to volatile external markets.
    It said in Bangladesh, the industry sector, the growth of which relied on manufacturing sector (readymade garments, or RMG), contributes about 27 percent to the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2009 and grew at a rate of around 5.9 percent.
    Although the RMG sector has created positive externalities and multipliers for economic development, productivity is still low, the report noted.
    The report also forecast a 2.7 percent real GDP growth for the LDCs as a group in 2009, a decline from an average of 7.4 percent during 2003-08.
    LDCs exports are expected to contract by 9-16 percent this year, while foreign direct investment and remittance to LDCs are also set to decline, it said.
    Unemployment, poverty and hunger are likely to rise, according to the report.
    CPD Executive Director Mustafizur Rahman was also present at the function.


News by,
Katie Pratt, University of Kentucky
Seven Springs uses precision agriculture technology, such as swath control, mapping systems, auto steer and global positioning systems, to improve the efficiency of their equipment in the field. The farm has won the National Corn Growers Yield Contest five times.
Agricultural technology is rapidly growing and improving as farmers across the nation look for ways to increase profits. Keeping up with all the advances can be time consuming and costly, but many farmers who use the technology believe it's well worth the investment.
Representatives from three Trigg County farms discussed the benefits of different agricultural technologies in their operations during the recent county farm tour organized by the Trigg County office of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.
"If you can use a computer, you can relate to this, and actually, the younger generation is picking it up really fast," said Michael Oliver, of Seven Springs Farm in Wallonia.
Seven Springs uses precision agriculture technology, such as swath control, mapping systems, auto steer and global positioning systems, to improve the efficiency of their equipment in the field. The farm has won the National Corn Growers Yield Contest five times.
While it is a costly initial investment, Oliver said the technology used at Seven Springs has more than paid for itself since they upgraded three years ago.
David Fourqurean, Trigg County agriculture and natural resources agent, said many county farms like Seven Springs could see cost savings from precision agriculture. In Trigg County, many soil types are present; some of which are not naturally suited for growing row crops.
"If the planter cuts off at the end rows when it's supposed to, instead of planting all the way through, you can see cost savings," he said. "If the sprayer cuts off in an area that's already been sprayed, it's a chemical savings. It's just a large amount of savings."
At Cundiff Farms in Wallonia, owner Ben Cundiff talked about the benefits of owning compared to renting land, improved seed genetics and international grain markets. Jason Sarver, UK soybean field agronomist, and Chad Lee, UK grain crops Extension specialist, talked about current soybean research at Cundiff Farms and other west Kentucky farms.
While it may not seem like many technology advances have occurred as rapidly in tobacco production as in other areas of agriculture, Mike Hyde and Bob Lawrence, owners of L & H Farms in Cadiz, have been using innovative techniques to improve their productivity. They worked to centralize their operation to cut down on labor and transportation costs. The pair grows mainly dark-air and dark-fire cured tobacco, but has some burley. None of their fields are more than two miles in distance from a barn. Some of their dark-fire tobacco is double-crop cured, which requires fewer barns. Double-cropping may require more time management, but Lawrence said it's been beneficial to their operation.
"We're probably seeing better yields on the second crop of our double-cropped tobacco," Lawrence said.

Monday, July 27, 2009

AGRICULTURIST M.NURUL HUDA AL MAMUN: We should save the environment

AGRICULTURIST M.NURUL HUDA AL MAMUN: We should save the environment

We should save the environment

Environmental pollution is a global problem and is common to both developed and developing countries. Environmental pollution is caused primarily by humans that introduce extraneous substances into the environment thereby causing unfavourable changes. The decline in environmental quality as a consequence of pollution evidenced by loss of vegetation cover, biological diversity, high concentration of harmful chemicals in the atmosphere and threats to life support system. The immediate effects of environmental pollution could be seen as health problem by affecting human health and lives; economic problems by affecting the value of human property and materials; ecological problems by disturbing eco-balance, interfering with conservation of natural resources etc.
We continuously face pollution such as air pollution, sound pollution, soil pollution, water pollution etc. The major sources of air pollution are solid and liquid wastes, heat and gas emission, gas exhausted from vehicles such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphurdioxide, ozone gas, nitrogen oxides, aeroplane gases, and gas burning, oil burning, coal burning, fuel and cow dung burning, refuse disposal, forest fire, radio active emission etc. The major sources of sound pollution are hydraulic horns of buses, trucks and other types of vehicles, unregulated loudspeakers, the noise from construction work. Soil pollution is caused by human wastes, municipal solid waste and industrial waste, pesticides and fertilizers. Besides, polythene and many other plastic goods are degrading the fertility of soil.
Smog is created by burning coal and heavy oil that contain sulfur impurities in power plants, industrial plants, etc. The smog consists mostly of a mixture of sulfur dioxide and fog. Suspended droplets of sulfuric acid are formed from some of the sulfur dioxide, and a variety of suspended solid particles. This smog is common during the winter in many cities.
The world is everybody's home and nobody likes living in a dirty home. Together, we can make it a cleaner, healthier and more pleasant place to live in.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A success story of american farmer By Bill Marchel :Developing a food plot to attract wildlife can go from hobby to obsession quite easily

The popularity of implementing food plots to attract deer and other wildlife has grown vastly in recent years.
For more than a decade I've been planting food plots on my 70 acres of land near Brainerd. Even though I had no farming experience, my efforts have been successful and now, more than a decade later, I realize if I can grow productive food plots anyone can.
Here's how I did it.
To develop a one-half acre food plot I started during the winter. I cleared the trees and brush from what was a grown-over forest opening using a chain saw and a hand-held brush cutter. When the snow melted I obtained a soil test kit and followed the included instructions. Testing the soil is very important. The cost was only about $10, and I knew it would ultimately save me money in fertilizer and lime expenses.
In May I broke the soil using an ATV outfitted with a three-point hitch and cultivator. It took a lot of work to break through the thick sod and roots and to dig out hundreds of rocks, but a good seedbed is important and I knew my initial work would save time later and the end result would be a better food plot.
Then I waited about a month for the newly exposed weed seeds to germinate, and I cultivated the soil again to destroy them. A herbicide such as Roundup can also be used to kill the weeds, but once the original sod was broken, cultivating was relatively easy.
Next I applied fertilizer and lime according to the results of my soil test. For that I used a tow-behind spreader attached to my ATV. I lightly disked in the fertilizer and lime. For the best results, lime a food plot at least six months prior to planting since it takes time for the lime to become incorporated into the soil.
A few days later, following a good rain shower, I seeded the plot with a commercial deer food plot mix consisting of corn and soybeans. I spread the seed according to the seeding rate chart printed on the package. Finally I used a heavy drag to bury the seed and a cultipacker to firm the soil.
It was time for the fun to begin. Almost every day I hiked to the plot to monitor plant growth and to analyze which species of wildlife was using the plot. Just like in farming, growing quality wildlife forage is highly weather dependent. Timely rainfall can make or break a food plot.

If you are a landowner, prior to implementing a food plot on your acreage consider soil quality and moisture and then decide on the plot location. Don't plant a food plot where flooding will be a problem, nor should you plant a plot on a sandy hilltop exposing it to the wind and sun.

Meadows and forest openings are ideal places to plant food plots because the initial work of clearing the land is greatly reduced. Other good locations are the uplands immediately adjacent to the north side of a swamp or lowland. These locations allow a maximum amount of sunlight to reach the plot, and those areas warm up first during spring.
Always consider present habitats on your land before clearing for food plots. Try to preserve any nut bearing trees and save stands of winter thermal cover such as evergreen trees. Attempt to leave unique habitats undisturbed.

Most landowners that have implemented food plots find boredom during the offseasons a thing of the past. Like me, you too may discover that what began as a hobby can become an obsession.

Toxic Soil Gets New Life

A farmer removes polluted water from irrigation channels carried in by floods in Putian, Fujian Province (JIANG KEHONG) South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has one of the country's biggest reserves of arsenic and lead, which are important resources for industry. Due to contamination by unrestricted discharges of mine tailings into the environment and other stresses, it has also been shown to contain soil polluted by a range of poisonous substances.
Soil pollution has become a headache for many other local governments besides Guangxi. And now experts are racing to learn how to control the pollution and reclaim contaminated earth. The subject was the center of a recent symposium on soil recovery in Guangxi.

DEAL WITH SOIL: Staff of environment protection department in Linshu County of Shandong Province collect soil samples for research purposes (CNSPHOTO) Unlike water and air pollution, soil contamination is invisible to citizens and is often overlooked. But if left untreated, it can take thousands of years for the ground to recover naturally.
Crops absorb the poisons in the soil and pass them into the human body, said Luo Yongming, a research fellow at the Nanjing Institute of Soil Sciences. Luo said volatile substances like benzene and formaldehyde can easily be taken into the body through air and breath; and kids can swallow the pollutants as they play outside. Experts said either direct soil pollution or it being passed up the food chain will result in immune system problems or cancers.
Even with the danger it entails, it seems that soil pollution doesn't receive nearly as much attention as it deserves. People's primary concerns are self-sustenance and making a living. So they concern themselves with harvesting food from the earth and forget about soil preservation. They misguidedly think that soil can adjust itself. At the same time, erosion and soil damage prove to be big problems in their own right.
"When old factories are relocated, they just dismantle the houses, carry away the machines and nothing else is left to be done. The land that used to be a production site either is turned into farmland or real estate. Few understand that this land has become sick," said Zhao Qiguo, an academic at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Soil Science. He said soil must be tested for pollutants after an industrial site is reclaimed for other uses. Currently Zhao and 30 other experts are working on a soil protection strategy.
Special Forces
On April 17, scientists attending the symposium on soil recovery traveled to a prefecture in Guangxi for an inspection. The region suffered heavy flooding in 2001 that carried acids and heavy metals onto farmland, which led to widespread crop failures. Four years later, the local government invited geologist Chen Tongbin to inspect the polluted land and work on a recovery plan. Scientists have developed recovery technologies and models that are suitable for local soil conditions. They established a 6.7-hectare demonstration site as well. Since the reclamation project began, the untreated land still has nothing growing on it, while the treated land has been planted with sugar cane that is growing well.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Farm Pond Technology: Harvest of Excess Rainwater,Encourage Crop Diversification in the Coastal Saline Areas of Bangladesh.

M.Nurul Huda Al Mamun
Soil Resource Development Institute, Bangladesh.

Farmer in the southern parts specially in the coastal areas of Bangladesh usually practice mono cropping where soil salinity limits upland crop production. This area is known to be one of the most agriculturally and socio-economically backward regions of the country. Drainage conditions of the land vary from poor to very poor, results in water stagnation in kharif season, and causes delay of sowing rabi crops. Intensification of agriculture largely depends on the extent of irrigation facilities during post monsoon season. A large area can be brought under multiple cropping system if such facility is ensured. Shortage of quality irrigation water is one of the major constraints for growing a second crop in the dry season. About 470mm excess rainfall is received during monsoon season, can be stored in the Farm pond/ tank and utilized for irrigation of upland crops during the rabi season. Storage structures need to be excavated to an average depth of 2.25m in one-fifth of the mini/micro watershed area, ensure better drainage facilities and multiple cropping in the area on a sustained basis, will encourage crop diversification in the cropping system. It is estimated that about 3.0m depth of water will remain in the storage structure at the end of Kharif season. Out of this, about 0.5m will be lost due to evaporation and deep percolation /seepage over a period of several months and about 1.5m will be utilized to irrigate the crop in rabi/summer season, remaining 1.0m water may be used for growing fish.
Key words: Farm pond technology, Harvest of rainwater, Crop diversification, Coastal saline area.
The farmers in the southern parts of Bangladesh usually practice mono cropping, especially in the coastal areas where soil salinity limits upland crop production. Wetland rice culture is the dominant practice followed by the farmers in the area. Cultivation of upland crop in the dry season is difficult due to rise of salinity. But salinity does not occur in harmful levels in the wet season, although ion uptake may be considerably reduced by a slight rise of soil salinity. The development of the agricultural sector is not satisfactory in the southern part of the country, particularly in the coastal saline area. This area is known to be one of the most agriculturally and socio- economically backward regions of the country. The yield of almost all the traditional crops in this area is poor (M. Ahsan,2001). 0.34 million hectares are affected by very slight to slight salinity. Most of the areas are almost flat, low lying and the soils are heavy textured. The drainage conditions of the lnad vary from poor to very poor which results in water stagnation in kharif season (SRDI staff, 1973). These limitations restrict the cultivation of high yielding rice varieties in kharif season and delay of sowing rabi crops.
A large area can be brought under multiple cropping system if extend of irrigation facilities during post monsoon is ensured. Shortage of quality irrigation water is one of the major constraints for growing a second crop in the dry season. Ground water aquifer without salinity suitable for irrigation are found at depths from 300 to 400 meters and the exploitation of this is extremely expensive and technically difficult (Sen, 1996). In contrast, ground water at shallow depth ranging from 1.0 to 5.5 meters is saline and unsuitable for irrigation. A possible alternative described by Khandalwal is to store rainwater during monsoon in farm ponds/tanks or canals/creeks. The very slightly to slightly saline area is the most suitable for rainwater harvesting in farm ponds for irrigation in dry season (M. Ahsan, 2001).

About 90% of the rainfall occur during May to October , excess rainwater in the monsoon season causes severe water logging all over the area due to lack of adequate drainage facilities. On the other hand, there is an acute shortage of good quality water for irrigation in winter and summer. If, excess rainwater stored in places like farm ponds, main drainage channels and closed small tidal canals/creeks, can meet the irrigation requirements of a considerable area( Sen 1998).

The monthly water balance of Shoronkhola, Bagerhat have been roughly estimated using 75% of average rainfall and potential evapotranspiration (PET). A simple water balance analysis involving rainfall and PET for a location in coastal saline area indicates excess rainwater.It shows that excess rainwater occurs mainly during the month of May to September. In May, a rather high rainfall occurs but the crop water demand is quite high. The October the amount of rainfall is nearly equal to that of May, but the water demand is much less. Although the amount of excess rainfall is almost nil but it is considered as wet month. The amount of rainfall is significant from November to April. It was roughly estimated that there was an excess of about 470mm rainfall during monsoon season without considering deep percolation and seepage loss (SRDI staff, 1988) and this water may be utilized for irrigation of a second crop during the rabi crops. The present result is comparable to Mainul Ahsan(2001), who expressed excess of about 532 mm rainfall during the monsoon season at Batiaghata thana in Khulna district.
Materials and methods:
The technology essentially involves land development including land shaping, land grading and bunding for smooth removal of excess water towards the storage structures (M.Ahsan,2001). Leveling of the land to improve draining out of excess water and uniform leaching of salts for providing better water and nutrient control (Sen, Construction of the field bunds around the plots to regulate outflow of water from the field. Storing of excess rainwater in the storage structures during monsoon season for subsequent utilization in rabi and summer crop cultivation. Cultivation of rabi and summer crops on the surrounding of the ponds and introduction of high yielding varieties during kharif season. Pisciculture in the excavated pond throughout the year.
Construction methodology:
Storage structure will be excavated to an average depth of 2.25m in one-fifth of the area of the mini/micro watershed. Bunds of about 1m height and 1.5m width on the periphery of the storage structure may be constructed with the excavated earth so as to attain effective depth of water storage up to 3.0m (M.Ahsan,2001).The excavated soil may be spread on the remaining four-fifth of the area to raise it up to 0.50m. It will reduce the drainage problem during kharif and will help timely sowing of rabi crops, which is normally delayed due to the excess soil moisture after kharif rice harvest. Field bunds may be made in order to regulate the smooth and efficient removal of excess water towards the structure, as to maintain the optimum depth of water submergence in the field (ICAR). The surface soil of the excavated area may be used as top dressing on the remaining plots. It is advisable to avoid spreading of any poor quality subsoils (acid sulphate) on the surface of the land. Further, depending on soil characteristics liming material may be used at places to ameliorate soil/water in crop field/fish ponds (M.Ahsan, 2001). In some of the SAARC countries about 80% excavation cost of farm ponds is provided by commercial private banks and NGOs with minimum interest rate and farmers are providing only 15% of these costs (BCC, 1995-96). In Bangladesh, bank and NGO
may provide credit to the small farmers. Assistance from soil experts of Salinity Management and Research Centre, SRDI about soil condition of the specific area may be necessary during excavation of the farm pond (M.Ahsan,2001).
Results and discussion:

Utilization of the technology:
The bunds around the pond and around each plot may be utilized for plantation of horticultural crops, such as coconut, banana, papaya etc. The reserve of rainwater in the excavated storage structure may be utilized for growing crops in rabi or summer crops, fresh water aquaculture and supplemental irrigation in kharif during dry spell (CSSRI,1987).It is estimated that about 3.0m depth of water will remain in the storage structure at the end of kharif season. Out of this, about 0.5m will be lost due to evaporation and deep percolation/seepage over a period of seven months and about 1.5m will be utilized to irrigate the crop in rabi/summer season, remaining 1.0m water may be used for growing fish (Sen,1996). It is estimated that about one-third of the land may be utilized for growing a third crop.
The drainage needs are considerably reduced by diversion of some of the excess rainwater from the adjoining cultivated area to the pond, a good quality water source is created to meet the irrigation need of rabi crops, raising the level of the adjoining cultivated area by using the soil of the pond diminishes the water logging problem which facilitates cultivation of the high yielding varieties of rice with improved management practices, multiple cropping in the area on a sustained basis will become possible and crop diversification will be enhanced and additional income can be generated by the farmers with the introduction of pisciculture in the dugout farm pond .
Ahsan, M. Prospect of rainwater harvest in farm ponds for irrigation in the coastal saline areas of Bangladesh. Proceedings of the annual workshop on soil resources 14-15 February, 2001.oil Resources in Bangladesh: Assessment and utilization. pp. 33-37.
Bandyopadhyay, A.K.1988. Coastal saline soils of India and their management. CSSRI, Regional Research Station, Canning Town, ICAR Bull, 13: 122-123.Bharat Chamber of Commerce (BCC). 1995-96. Pashchimbanger


Soil Resource Development Institute, Bangladesh.


Peat soils are located between the Ganges river floodplain and the Ganges tidal floodplain in Gopalgonj, Bagerhat and adjoining parts of Khulna, Barisal and Jessore districts, occupying an area of about 2,24,700 hectares (1.6 % of the total area). Peat soils are seasonally flooded, poorly to very poorly drained, very dark greyish brown to black organic soil. These soils include alternate layer of peat and muck, sometimes peat and mineral layers occur at the top of the profile. The main limitations are deep ploughing, perennially wetness, low bearing capacity and difficult to manage by improving drainage. Two popular indigenous management techniques are practiced in those areas namely, “Sharjan” and “Gher” procedure. In peat soils organic matter content and all the macro and micronutrients except Zn are very high. Due to presence of very high decomposed and partially decomposed organic matter and sulphur there is a possibility of root injury by H2S gas. The main land use patterns are fallow-broadcast aman, fallow- mixed aus and broadcast aman , boro-shrimp, and boro- mixed shrimp & T. aman. Locally these soils are also used for fuel. There are some possibilities to improve those soils having mineral layer at the top of the profile or by allowing the sediments setting down on full organic soils from the adjoining tidal rivers. The present study was therefore, undertaken to study the physical and chemical properties of peat soils, to identify the constraints of the study area, to find out the development possibilities of the soils..

The coastal region of Bangladesh consists of southern deltaic Zones of the country where tidal inundation, salinity, acidity, organic peat & muck soils, water logging and swelling/ cracking of clays etc are the main soil- related constraints that restrict crop production significantly. Peat soils are located between the Ganges river floodplain and the Ganges tidal floodplain in Gopalgonj, Bagerhat and adjoining parts of Khulna, Barisal and Jessore districts, occupying an area of about 2,24,700 hectares (1.6 % of the total area). Peat soils are seasonally flooded, poorly to very poorly drained, very dark greyish brown to black organic soil. These soils include alternate layer of peat and muck, sometimes peat and mineral layers occur at the top of the profile. The main limitations are deep ploughing, perennially wetness, low bearing capacity and difficult to manage by improving drainage.
Considering physical and chemical properties it shows that management of peat soils are very difficult. There are some development possibilities in small area having mineral horizon either at the top or in the horizon close to top soil, still it depends on thickness of mineral horizon. The improvement of peat soil is a difficult task but not impossible. It is necessary to identify the category of problematic peat soils. Less problematic soils ( Organic soils with more than 25 cm mineral layer) could be developed through proper management individually with less cost involvement in a limited area, where as more problematic soils (Organic soils with less than 25 cm mineral layer) should be improved through Government agencies with high cost involvement in a large area.Two popular indigenous management techniques are practiced in those areas namely, “Sharjan” and “Gher” procedure. In peat soils organic matter content and all the macro and micronutrients except Zn are very high. Due to presence of very high decomposed and partially decomposed organic matter and sulphur there is a possibility of root injury by H2S gas. The main land use patterns are fallow-broadcast aman, fallow- mixed aus and broadcast aman , boro-shrimp, and boro- mixed shrimp & T. aman. Locally these soils are also used for fuel. The present study was therefore, undertaken to study:
a) The physical and chemical properties of peat soils
b) To identify the constraints of the study area and
c) To find out the development possibilities of the soils.

Materials and methods:
Ten soil samples were collected from different horizons of Satla and Harta soil series (Histosols) in Terokhada thana and Bill dakatia of Fultala thana. The samples were dried, grinded and passed through a 2 mm sieve. Soil PH was determined with a Pye PH meter using a glass electrode at a water suspension ratio 1:2.5. Total carbon and nitrogen in the soils were determined by dry combustion method and Kjeldahl digestion method, respectively. Ca, Mg and K were extracted with the neutral 1N NH4OAC displacement method of Jackson. Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn were determined in DTPA by atomic absorption Spectrophotometer and Boron by calcium biphosphate extraction method.

Results and Discussions:

Physical properties:

Peat soils at different horizons are seasonally deeply to moderate deeply flooded, poorly to very poorly drained, very dark grayish brown to black muck or peat. Top soil is dark gray to very dark gray, clayey mineral layer and depth ranges from 10-17 cm. A lump of soil is lighter in weight than mineral
soil when dried. Very late draining, low bearing capacity, irreversible property after drying, deep flooding in the wet season are the main limitations of peat soil. It is mentioned that the drying of peat is hazardous due to the irreversible subsidence of the ground level(SRDI staff, 1973 & 1985-1993).
Chemical properties:

Chemical properties of Satla and Harta soils at two different locations are shown in the Table-1. The soil reaction is generally slightly acidic (PH 5.9-6.3) throughout the profile in Satla and almost neutral in Harta soils (PH 6.7-6.9). Soil salinity ranges from non saline to slightly saline(ECe: 0.8 - 5.5 ds/m). Organic matter content increases with depth in both the soils. It varies from 23.89 to 45.49%, every cases it is very high. Total N and S content shows the same trend as organic matter. Total N varies from 0.78 to 1.66% and S from 135.5 to 449.02 microgram/gram of soils. Almost all the macro and micro nutrients except Zn are very high throughout the profile. Zn is very high in Harta soil but low to very low in lower horizons of Satla soil. The data shows that organic matter content and other cations are very high in amount(CEC is very high). From the data it is thought that slight salinity may be the limiting factor for rice during germinating stage. PH may be low due to very high S accumulation from organic residues of peat. Pungent smell of H2S gas was evolved during excavation of the profile.

Management of organic soil:

Considering physical and chemical properties it shows that management of peat soils are very difficult. There are some development possibilities in small area having mineral horizon either at the top or in the horizon close to top soil, still it depends on thickness of mineral horizon. The thicker one will perform better management, e.g. tillage, sowing, transplanting etc. In large extensive area, development possibilities are limited due to lack of mineral matter in the profile. There are some possibilities to improve the soils by allowing sediments settling down on these peat basins from the adjoining tidal rivers. This process of sedimentation should be continued for several years to make the land high and potential for agriculture. Consequently at least two crops could be grown in a year. Boro followed by Transplanted/ Broadcast aman could be grown by sweet water irrigation. There are several procedures of management of peat soils practiced in this area. Two of them are described below:
a) Sarjan procedure: Generally this procedure is practiced in medium high to medium lowland having late draining phase. In this case land is divided into several subplots. Between two subplots there is a ditch for keeping water permanently. Every subplot is raised by taking the soil from the
adjoining side. Optimum size of the plot is 8.0m X 1.5m. It may be changed depending on the
presence of mineral matter at the surface and size of the plot. The present crops on the raised bed
are mainly vegetables, Sugercane and Dhaincha. Local fishes are grown in the ditches between the
two beds.
b) Gher procedure: It is one type of fish culture area where both crops and fishes are grown alternatively at the same time. The dyke/ail is raised along the boundary of the plot by taking soil from inside of the plot. The digging part will be turned into a ditch to keep water for long time (dry season). The soils of the ditch is kept by the side of a raised dyke having a certain length, breadth and height. The present landuse patterns are Boro-Shrimp (Lobster) and Boro- mixed Shrimp and T.aman. Vegetables are grown on the raised dykes.

Present situation of Bill Dakatia:
Bill Dakatia covering an area of about 10,000 hectares is moderately deeply to deeply flooded, poorly drained peat basin, located at Dumuria thana, northern part of Khulna district about 30 kilometers from Khulna city. This basin is surrounded by two tidal rivers. The Daulatpur- Salghatia road passing through the basin acts as an embankment including three sluice gates. Two sluice gates are not in order due to blockage by sediments at the mouth of the gates. Only one at Saluabazar is now in order by dresser machine. It is assumed that if dresser will not be there the gate will be blocked again by the sediments. During 1989-90 the blocked two sluice gates were in order by digging the embankment manually. At the time the mouth of the sluice gates were clear. The drainage channels were depended due to the tidal effect. But the whole basin was under waterlogged permanently. This process was continued upto 2-3 years. Local people suffered a lot. Later on they stopped the activities by closing the cuttings, manually. As a result, people of that area especially closer to the mouth of sluice gate got the higher land than those of previous one. But the area about 1 km away from the sluice gate was not raised at all.

The present land types have been changed to medium highland from medium lowland and lowland closer to the sluice gates. Soils have been changed to silty alluvium from organic soils by the deposition of tidal sediments. At the same time present land use pattern have been changed so much. Boro followed by Broadcast aman/Transplanted aman and Boro followed by shrimp culture are the main land use in that area. But present land types, soils and land use patterns do not change at all in the area, about 1 km or more away from the sluice gates. Soil salinity of the whole basin has been changed much. It ranges from non saline (ECe: <2.0>Development possibilities of peat soils at Bill Dakatia:
Sedimentation through tidal effect is one of the alternatives of the development possibilities of Bill Dakatia. It is observed from the previous experience that sediments did not reach to the distant part of the bill. This could be done by excavating the channel opposite to the embankment passing through the basin. The channels near the Hari river and Jahanabad cantonment can be excavated upto the main river Bhairab. Feasibility of excavation of the above mentioned channel may not be tested.

The improvement of peat soil is a difficult task but not impossible. It is necessary to identify the category of problematic peat soils. Less problematic soils( Organic soils with more than 25 cm mineral layer) could be developed through proper management individually with less cost involvement in a limited area, where as more problematic soils (Organic soils with less than 25 cm mineral layer) should be improved through Government agencies with high cost involvement in a large area. The chemical data shows that OM%, N%, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Mn, Zn, B and Fe are very high in amount where as physical properties of the soils are not favorable for the development of agriculture. In some cases, where mineral soils are present in the top of the layer, development possibilities could be done easily. In case of soil with full organic layer, soil could be developed through sedimentation process. Further research work regarding physical & chemical properties of soils and hydrological condition should be continued in this case.
Jackson, M. L. 1973. Soil chemical analysis Prentice - Hall of India ( pvt.) Ltd. New Delhi.
Black,C.A.1969. Methods of Soils Analysis, Part-1 & 2, Agro. No.9, American Society of
Agronomy, Madison Wisconsin, USA.
Bangladesh Soil Resources: Soil Survey Project; Technical Report-3. UNDP/FAO, Rome, 1971. pp. 76 & 151.
Walkly A. and Black, C. A.1934. An experiment of the digitijarft method for determining soil organic matter and a proposed modification of the Cromic acid titration method. Soil Sci.37.pp.29-38.
SRDI staff.1973. Reconnaissance soil survey report of Sadar and Bagerhat subdivisions. Khulna district, Soil Survey Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of the peoples Republic of Bangladesh. pp.111-113, 190.
SRDI staff. 1985-1993, Thana Nirdeshika of Dumuria, Mollahat and Terokhada, SRDI, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of the peoples Republic of Bangladesh. pp.40-41, 47.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cropping method holds potential for cattle,tree

MISSISSIPPI STATE – It is common in Mississippi to see cattle grazing in pastures surrounded by trees, but researchers at Mississippi State University are looking into the feasibility of bringing it all into one field.
The goal of silvopasture systems is to use space and the growing season more effectively by combining trees or shrubs with forage and livestock production in the same acreage.
Rocky Lemus, MSU Extension Service forage specialist, said the system could become the predominate forestry practice in the state and the Southeast. One of the benefits of silvopasture is its flexibility.
“A producer could have pastures where trees and shrubs can be added or timberland where forages can be added,” Lemus said. “In some cases, land on which neither exists in sufficient quantity to meet the land-use objective can be moved into a silvopasture system. Silvopasture can improve the overall economic performance of a farm enterprise by diversification.”
Lemus said most commercially grown pines -- loblolly, slash and long leaf varieties -- are suitable for silvopasture systems. In addition to providing timber income to the landowner, these trees give wind protection and shade for livestock.
Many livestock owners who implement silvopasture systems use forages such as tall fescue, bahiagrass and Bermudagrass.
“Forage should be selected based on suitability for grazing, compatibility with the site characteristics and performance in the shade,” Lemus said. “Some legumes, such as clover or vetch, can be incorporated in this system.”
Livestock grazing should be closely managed in silvopasture systems. Grazing should not be allowed until the trees are tall enough and strong enough not to be damaged by the livestock. Many producers use the land between trees for hay production.
Henry Gordon is an MSU graduate assistant in forestry who has an agroforestry research project at the North Mississippi Branch Experiment Station in Holly Springs.
“We are growing these crops in research plots to determine their growth response in association with the pines,” Gordon said.
He is working on an alley cropping system growing loblolly and short-leaf pine in rows, with either clover or soybeans, corn, milo or switchgrass in the alleys between trees. The trees are planted in either two rows or four rows with a 40-foot alley between sets of trees.
“Data shows that agroforestry plantings are probably more profitable over time than a regular forest plantation because with the crops grown in the alleys, you are making more money in between timber harvests than you would just by thinning the trees,” Gordon said. “We’re working now to figure out what crops work best in these systems so people in Mississippi can use these silvopasture and agroforestry systems.”
Other benefits of agroforestry systems include reduced runoff and erosion, improved water quality and nutrient cycling. These benefits can make the system more profitable by lowering inputs such as fertilizer into the system, increasing revenues from hunting leases and lowering environmental impacts.
Glenn Hughes, Extension forestry specialist, said there are opportunities in Mississippi for successful silvopasture, but he is interested in learning more about the quality of the timber produced in these situations.
“You can produce a lot of wood in a silvopasture system, but with the trees spaced very far apart, they can grow too fast for high-quality saw timber,” Hughes said. “When trees grow closer together, the wood is stronger and more dense. The challenge for silvopasture is not in producing the maximum volume but in producing good-quality timber.”
Saw timber is the high-value, desired product of pine tree production, and what cannot be sold as saw timber is marketed as pulpwood.
Hughes said foresters typically like to see a pine tree with four growth rings per inch for high-quality lumber. He has seen some trees grown in silvopasture settings that were 15 years old and 18 inches in diameter.
“Normally we try to speed up tree growth, but the question to me is, ‘What can we do to slow down the growth of our trees in this system?’” Hughes said.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Study on Arsenic contamination in soil and water in five-selected Agro Ecological Zone (AEZ) of Bangladesh

A research program was carried out at the five different Agro Ecological Zones (AEZ) of Bangladesh, viz. Tista Meander Floodplain (FP), High Ganges FP, Low Ganges FP, Active Ganges FP and Gopalganj-Khulna Bills, during the period from January 2001 to January2002, with the aim of the determination of arsenic contamination in soil and water in located areas as well as to test tube well water sample whether these exceed the acceptable limits of Bangladesh standard of 50 μ/l. Arsenic contents in the water of Shallow tube Wells (STW) and in soil samples were collected from ten sites under five AEZs of Bangladesh. As possible consequences of contaminated soil and water were considered. Considerable number of water samples showed much high contents of arsenic than the safe level. Water samples collected from STWs showed 0.032 to 203.9 μg/l arsenic. Out of 428 water samples 155 are unsafe (>10-<50>20 μg/kg). The distribution of arsenic in the water and soil samples indicates that there may be some possibility of its entering in to the food chain.
Key word: Agro Ecological Zone (AEZ), Arsenic, Contamination, Toxic, Food chain.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Brusselsneeds to rethink GM policy

The EU must radically re-think its stance on GM crop technology if western agriculture is to deliver food and fuel for future generations, according to one of the UK's leading plant scientists.
Speaking to a conference of international agri-investment funds this week, Tina Barsby, chief executive of the National Institute of Agricultural Botany, said that Brussels' policy on GM crops was "outdated and inadequate".
Dr Barsby said no GM technology had received EU approval for cultivation in over a decade.
"GM technology is demonstrably not inherently dangerous. The EU needs to release the log-jam of production in the pipeline [that it is causing] and review its process-driven regulatory framework which is inadequate and outdated."
Dr Barsby said Brussels veto on rolling out GM culitvars was hamstringing western Europe's ability to produce more food to meet population growth and tackle climate change.
"[Brussels'] lack of respect for scientific decision making is leading to lack of investment."
It was essential that GM technology was adopted as part of a wider effort to improve food production or Europe would be "left in the dust", she said.
"Monsanto predicts a doubling of maize and soya yields by 2030 and that's not just by GM technology alone.

By 2015, the US private sector predicts more than 20 transgenes for insect resistance, nitrogen use efficiency and drought tolerance. Europe - and therefore cereals - will be left behind," she said.
Another conference speaker, Syngenta Seeds's chief executive Davor Pisk, agreed with Dr Barsby. "Politics are trumping science. Even when the G8 nations are calling for more technology, the EU upholds its ban."
Mr Pisk said that for agriculture to address the critical challenges of producing food and energy in the future, "the full toolbox" was needed. "We need science-based regulation," he said.

Saturday, July 04, 2009


Bangladesh is primarily an agrarian economy. Agriculture is the single largest producing sector of economy since it comprises about 30% of the country's GDP and employing around 60% of the total labour force. The performance of this sector has an overwhelming impact on major macroeconomic objectives like employment generation, poverty alleviation, human resources development and food security. Meeting the nation's food requirements remain the key-objective of the government and in recent years there has been substantial increase in grain production. However, due to calamities like flood, loss of food and cash crops is a recurring phenomenon which disrupts the continuing progress of the entire economy. Agricultural holdings in Bangladesh are generally small. Through Cooperatives the use of modern machinery is gradually gaining popularity. Rice, Jute, Sugarcane, Potato, Pulses, Wheat, Tea and Tobacco are the principal crops. The crop sub-sector dominates the agriculture sector contributing about 72% of total production. Fisheries, livestock and forestry sub-sectors are 10.33%, 10.11% and 7.33% respectively. Bangladesh is the largest producer of Jute. Rice being the staple food, its production is of major importance. Rice production stood at 20.3 million tons in 1996-97 fiscal year. Crop diversification program, credit, extension and research, and input distribution policies pursued by the government are yielding positive results. The country is now on the threshold of attaining self-sufficiency in food grain production.